Well, I've been quiet the last couple months. This has been due to a number of things that I won't bore you with. Anyway, I've done some work on the space ship modules as you can see in the image above. It's the first module that has all it's parts together. I've started the long process of filling cracks and gaps so I can make a mold of it. Come to find out, Greenstuff and Hydrocal don't make the best of friends, though that probably has more to do with my Greenstuff working tools. While Hydrocal is much harder then Plaster of Paris, it's still a rather soft plaster (Unlike Merlin's Magic or the like, but Hydrocal is the hardest stuff I can get locally... That I know the name of at least) and my tools are all metal. So if I'm not extremely careful, I scratch the parts up while trying to fill gaps... I'll probably end up shifting to my (non-hardening) modeling clay and a rubber tipped tool (assuming I can find/make one cheap).
Depending on how well this mold turns out I'll probably work hard and create molds for a number of other sections... Once I figure out which sections are worth casting. I've had people offer very generic ideas for which modules they'd like to see, so I've dug up my tileset I was playing with using a program called Tiled which I've added with the other pictures of the T-intersection below. I haven't worked out actual brick layouts for the modules in the bottom half of the tileset, but they're there mostly for completeness sake at the moment. The image tiles are 36x36 pixels with a 1 pixel spacer between tiles (useful if you decide to try out Tiled).
Anyone with the time and/or inclination, I'd love if you would work out some table layouts and send me a list of how many of each module would be needed to create it, or the layouts themselves and I'll count the modules (Credit will be given for assistance with 'set' quantities, and for any layouts I post here). The physical modules fit in a 6" by 6" gridwork, so a standard Special Operations: Killzone 4' x 4' table would be 8 modules to a side for a total of 64 modules. A 40k sized table of 4'x6' would be 96 modules in an 8x12 layout. I've worked out a number of 3' x 3' and 4' x 4' designs over the months (years now? O.o;; ) I've thought about this project, and have come to the conclusion that I need a lot of other player's ideas on what a maze of sci-fi twisty-winding paths should look like. My local friends have been completely unhelpful with a 'whatever is fine' attitude.
Making Oldhammer Box Dioramas...an absolute joy!
For most of 2024 I worked on the painting of an oldhammer Dwarf Army, but
after a while it got tiring, painting up many minis that all look pretty
4 weeks ago
Have you taken a look at the maps for the Space Hulk scenarios? That might give you a pretty good starting point, not to mention some direction to go in terms of what and how many sections to make.
ReplyDeleteThat seems to be the most common suggestion, though I'm not positive how useful it'll actually be due to the non-standardized sizes of tiles, though I had thought about making 3" long straights at one point. I had looked them over once way back when, but it's been long enough I should probably go over them again just to refresh them. Now to actually find a copy to review >.>