For this step, I made molds for the actual corners of the corner tiles. Above you can see a mock up made from pieces I had lying around as well as the pieces I actually cast the mold from. I threw some ultra wombles in for scale purposes.
The first of the newest molds, this one is for the both inner corners and customized straights. The somewhat complicated end 'caps' for the pieces were assembled and then cast so they'll be single pieces and less prone to joint breakage.
The above mold used along with the basic decking pieces. The second image is using the pieces cast from the extra space on the outer corner, shown next.
The outer corner actually gave me a tonne of issues as apparently Hirst wasn't expecting me to use some of the blocks the way I did... in any case, I finally worked out something that looks reasonably good. This mold also has the upper part of the door frame on it (the really long piece along the top edge of the mold). that will hold the large bulkhead doors in place. I had a bulkhead door mostly ready for casting a while back but it's disappeared and I haven't been willing to fight with a new one as of yet.
Just the outer corner pieces. i need to clean up and cast from the molds so i can glue one together for the pictures instead of just piling the parts together.
This is just a cast of the wall panels and the bottom edge trim again. I made it as I need so many more of them then any other piece that came with them, I recast those parts.
Last some physical mockups of a straight section with some ultra wombles for scale. Final pieces will be mounted on something (probably 1/4" cork, but not positive) and will actually have the second 1/4" walls on the outside for structural support.
pretty cool