Well, I haven't posted here much, but sadly that's mainly due to not much wargaming stuff happening with me. I have however magnetized a Defiler for a friend, so I have some pictures.
The making of 'Drama in the Dungeon'!
I finished up my largest framed diorama to date a while back and I thought
it would be fun to show how the whole thing was built.
First here's the fin...
A Reflection on 2023
Welcome back to Chris' Miniature Woes! It's been quite a journey, and I
appreciate your patience as I navigate through the challenges that 2023
brought i...
Star Wars Legion A-A5 Speeder Truck
Latest build is complete (and finished just in time for FineScale Modeler
Magazine's #BAMM contest) - a Star Wars Legion A-A5 Speeder Truck.
I was real...
Hey there! Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Rob, and I used to have
a blog here years ago, mostly focused on my tabletop wargaming.
Unfortunately, ...
Spider Victims!
Victims of my (not so) Giant Spiders!
The bodies were made with green stuff, and head off various plastic figures
(cos I didn't want to have to sculpt fac...
INQ28: Two Hired Guns....
The Curst wear their sins writ upon their flesh, and undertake various
tasks that they might be absolved of them.... Hunters come in many shapes
and spec...
Returning from the Warp
*It is a darker time. *
*The galaxy is riven, beset on all sides by implacable foes who seem
without number; without end. *
*Our allies and comrades-in-a...
Monster Rider (4)
Hi all,
finally an update!
I was blocked by some health issues and then catching back up with
real-life work.
But now I finally have some time at hand.
Gnome Wars - Cold Wars 2019
To All,
Here are a few images from the Gnome Wars game that I ran on Saturday night
at Cold Wars. The Germans were trying to hold the castle from the allie...
Going back to Middle Earth
I've dove head long back into Tolkien's Middle Earth, Lord of the Rings and
the Hobbit were a huge piece of my Childhood. My Pop Jim Sr read the books
to u...
Blink Dogs
AD&D Blink Dogs This month I have been entirely focused on sorting through
my storage and rebasing all my figures to Renedra 25mm bases. Boring
stuff. ...
Are Kill Team Gun Drones As Good As They Say
A quick follow up my initial Tau Kill Team post, is taking a closer look at
one of the two Tau units thats getting a lot of interest; the Gun Drone.
3rd edition Warhammer Norse army update
Way back in pre-history (1986), a 13 year old version of me started a
Warhammer Norse army. I bought it one blister at a time, using the money I
earned fr...
Gencon 2018 Photo Dump: Venue & Exhibits
*by SandWyrm*
I spent much of my time at Gencon this year testing my own game, but I did
get some nice pictures of the costumes, products, and other cool ...
I have so much to show you guys... I've been working so hard! More soon
about my own stuff...
But for today I wanted to talk about the Nova Open Charitabl...
I am writing a BOOK!
That's right, fellow blog fans! I've decided to write a book about painting
wargaming collections. It will be going to Kickstarter this *Friday, March
Had a spare day to play with some toys!
Well, play.. I'm still here, still alive, and still working 60+ hour weeks.
so while i'm getting a little gaming in on my PC (played a little for Honor
Blood Bowl: Model Size Comparisons Humans
So the new edition of Blood Bowl dropped last month and I got a copy for my
collection for Christmas. One of the first things people commented on
during t...
UPDATED: Competitive Tau Tournament List (1850)
It has been quite some time since I played Warhammer 40k. I've been very
busy with RL. But next weekend my group is having another tournament. I
took out ...
Space Wolves VS Orks Zone Mortalis Battle Report
*This week's battle report is from Joseph Forgeard. Space Wolves come to
the aid of the Imperial Guard, who have fallen back to a barricade under
the rel...
AdeptiCon 2016: Infinity Seminar!
Infinity at AdeptiCon. It's been a thing for a while now, but this year,
Corvus Belli was in attendance!!
...none of you are really going to read this,...
WIP-REVIEW: More scenery for Robotech!
First update of this year!
I've been building the scenery sets from 4Ground I have so far:
Primera actualizaciĆ³n del aƱo!
He estado armando los sets de escen...
Finished Gaming Table
Over the summer I found the time and resources to paint my city fight
terrain and fix up a base board from an old model railway board. The
pavements were ...
Happy Halloween
Happy Halloween from A Gentleman's Ones and from Anvil Eight Games. Let's
hear it for High Fructose Corn Syrup!
complements of Chris "one take" Tavonatti
Auctioning my Space Wolves Army!
My friends, all good things must come to an end, and so I have decided to
part with my dear Space Wolves army with the help of eBay. My army, led by
Re-Launch 2014
So, after a short break, my house move is complete and we are back online!
(clap/cheer now!) Since we last spoke I have, obviously, moved house, spent
far ...
Moving: Now posting at 4+ Tough
So, this site has been in an inactive mode for a while, mostly because I've
fallen out of love with 40k and into Warmachine, and also because I just
IG Wyvern built and ready to paint
I've got my Wyvern put together and I've got to say, it's a very nice
little kits. I love the look of it and it was a pleasure to put together.
My only ...
Warhammer 40K Championships Survey Results
Those of us involved with AdeptiCon tend to talk a lot about AdeptiCon.
Don’t believe me? Just ask our significant others! They’d claim that we
talk about ...
New Tau Codex 2013
Just picked up the latest codex over the weekends. Since I have already
painted all my Tau models since the last edition, I may just need to get
more coo...
Resurrection Time
No one probably reads this any more. Been gone for a long time, because
there wasn't any Tau stuff to talk about, but along with a bunch of other
Tau blogg...
Stepping away from blogging for a while
I know, this isn't exactly 40k related, but I wanted to break from the
normal stuff and talk about something that has been following me in the
shadows for...
Dust Warfare BatRep
by Jason
This week, I went to Luke's house to play on his lovely board.
The terrain is highly detailed and has a strong theme tying it all
together. ...
Eldar Warlock WiP.
Okay, it’s almost Friday and I’ve found some time to take a picture of
Warlock that I have been painting on for the past week. Just something
that’s been...
What is Best in Life? Hasslefree and Red Box minis
So, yes, I finally got back into doing some painting. No, it's not my Mass
Effect figures - in all honestly I probably won't get back to them until
the Ext...
Well, I'm back. After nearly two years of no 40k I've decided that I'm
getting back into the game in time for the new codex and edition, and
taking things ...
If You're Still Reading This...
Hi all!
Just popped in real quick to mention that if you're still reading this, I'm
guest posting over at Mik's Minis for a while.
For all those who fol...
Suddenly Broadside
Wow... Its been quite a while since I last posted anything.
I been on a bit of a break and I can't tell you why. It's nothing serious I
just can't workout ...
Back from the Dead! (plus video batrep)
Wow! Has it really been that long since we've updated? Can't believe it...
What have we been up to, you may ask? As you can see from the picture
Game Turn 3
A busy couple of weeks fighting on Khaleraaq. Despite the spewing masses of
daemons flowing from the warp, *and* a Seekers victory over the Rebels they
Amera Terrain Unboxing
See that little circle on the bottom right of the top? That's a quarter...
Hoolllly crap! This is an unbelievable amount of terrain. I am so
incredibly pl...
FTW reborn
I'm sure that most of you have already seen that I've put FTW back into
motion. That being said, I am planning on continuing my updates over there.
I appre...
Hey Stranger
Firstly, I have to apologize for being away. My computer had come down with
a super serious virus and I haven't been able to do anything. I thought I'd
Turn order and Initiative
There’s three main ways of organising how players take turns in a campaign
ranging from the very simple simultaneous method, to the ordered method or
the m...
New Banner! WoopWoop!
Hey Peeps!
We know the site is lacking a little in blog posts/content but we're
working on it, I promise.
Behold! Our new banner. Hopefully in the next w...
Super delayed blog giveaway!
Hello thar,
First off, a huge apology is in order. This blog post is 2-3 months late, i
have had issues accessing the internet, my own computer and a ca...
A Second Blog is Coming!!!
Yes, dear readers, I am branching out. While the Noob page will stay up
and still be updated to discuss all things noobness, I have decided to run
a secon...
Random Mathhammer Fact: "Gets Hot!"
The chances of a Spess Mehreen rapid firing a plasma gun and killing
himself, are equal to the same Spess Mehreen shooting himself with a bolt
My Silver Medal
Our local Conventions [Genghis Con and Tacticon] have a group that runs the
miniature painting competitions and award based on what level of technique
Daemon Princesses:
So, lets start out with my Daemon Princess Sculpt, this is pretty rough as
it still needs sanding and buffing. I've designed her to be modular so that
I c...
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