Thinking of doodles, I've decided I'm going to try my hand at a custom female Fire Warrior torso. Obviously the top torso is a doodle of the default FW torso that comes in the sets. It's there for size comparison mostly. The Female torso should be a bit narrower, but still able to use the normal FW legs. I think this will lead to FW females made with this torso to be a bit hippy, but that shouldn't be too much of a problem.
Click on the thumbnail for a larger image.
I'm not sure if any single image fed my doodle or not, but I went browsing dA for inspiration.
I'll probably make the whole thing out of greenstuff, then maybe if people like it I won't have (as many?) legal issues with making casts of it. I'll probably work on the FW torso sporadically throughout the process of working on O'larran.
Making Oldhammer Box absolute joy!
For most of 2024 I worked on the painting of an oldhammer Dwarf Army, but
after a while it got tiring, painting up many minis that all look pretty
4 weeks ago